Meet The Owner

Acton Watkins

Acton is from Auburn, AL. He and his wife, Hannah, were married in 2022. They welcomed their little girl, Leni, on August 18, 2023. Acton is a passionate duck hunter. From mid-November through January, he and the Plainsmen Waterfowl crew spend as much time at their camp in Arkansas as possible. When duck season is over, you can find him on the golf course with his family. In fact, ECC is a family affair. Hannah has been known to grab her overalls and jump in to help out the crew occasionally.

Acton’s interest in creative/decorative flooring began when his parents were looking into a finished look for their garage in 2019. It soon became apparent that not only were there not a lot of options locally, but there also weren’t many attractive solutions. Acton received his initial training at a facility in Missouri with an epoxy expert of 25 years. Once he mastered the chemical make-up of polyaspartic flooring, Acton was ready to get creative and learn other ways to beautify concrete floors.

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